viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

«María, la madre de Jesús estaba desposada con José»

¿ Señor, a quién iremos?. Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna. Jn 6, 68

Sábado de la III Semana (18 de diciembre)

Libro de Jeremías 23,5-8.
Llegarán los días -oráculo del Señor- en que suscitaré para David un germen justo; él reinará como rey y será prudente, practicará la justicia y el derecho en el país.
En sus días, Judá estará a salvo e Israel habitará seguro. Y se lo llamará con este nombre: "El Señor es nuestra justicia".
Por eso, llegarán los días -oráculo del Señor- en que ya no se dirá: "Por la vida del Señor que hizo subir a los israelitas del país de Egipto",
sino más bien: "por la vida del Señor que hizo subir a los descendientes de la casa de Israel, y los hizo llegar del país del Norte y de todos los países adonde los había expulsado, para que habiten en su propio suelo".

Salmo 72,1.12-13.18-19.
De Salomón. Concede, Señor, tu justicia al rey y tu rectitud al descendiente de reyes,
Porque él librará al pobre que suplica y al humilde que está desamparado.
Tendrá compasión del débil y del pobre, y salvará la vida de los indigentes.
Bendito sea el Señor, Dios de Israel, el único que hace maravillas.
Sea bendito eternamente su Nombre glorioso y que su gloria llene toda la tierra. ¡Amén! ¡Amén!

Evangelio según San Mateo 1,18-24.
Este fue el origen de Jesucristo: María, su madre, estaba comprometida con José y, cuando todavía no habían vivido juntos, concibió un hijo por obra del Espíritu Santo.
José, su esposo, que era un hombre justo y no quería denunciarla públicamente, resolvió abandonarla en secreto.
Mientras pensaba en esto, el Angel del Señor se le apareció en sueños y le dijo: "José, hijo de David, no temas recibir a María, tu esposa, porque lo que ha sido engendrado en ella proviene del Espíritu Santo.
Ella dará a luz un hijo, a quien pondrás el nombre de Jesús, porque él salvará a su Pueblo de todos sus pecados".
Todo esto sucedió para que se cumpliera lo que el Señor había anunciado por el Profeta:
La Virgen concebirá y dará a luz un hijo a quien pondrán el nombre de Emanuel, que traducido significa: "Dios con nosotros".
Al despertar, José hizo lo que el Angel del Señor le había ordenado: llevó a María a su casa, 
Mt 1,18-24
Leer el comentario del Evangelio por 
San Pedro Crisólogo (hacia 406-450), obispo de Rávena, doctor de la Iglesia
Sermón 146, sobre Mateo 1,18; PL 52, 591
«María, la madre de Jesús estaba desposada con José»
     «María, su madre, estaba desposada». Hubiera sido suficiente con decir: María estaba desposada. ¿Qué significa una madre desposada? Si ya es madre, ya no es desposada; si es desposada, no es todavía madre. «María, su madre, estaba desposada»: desposada por la virginidad, madre por la fecundidad. Era una madre que no había conocido varón, y sin embargo conoció la maternidad. ¿Cómo no será madre antes de concebir, ella que, después del nacimiento, es virgen y madre? ¿Cuándo no era ella ya madre la que engendró al fundador de los tiempos y ha dado un principio a todas las cosas?...

     ¿Por qué el misterio de la inocencia celestial va destinado a una desposada y no a una virgen todavía libre? ¿Por qué los celos de un desposado deben poner en peligro a la desposada? ¿Por qué tanta virtud parece pecado y la salvación eterna peligro?... ¿Cuál es el misterio que abrazamos aquí, hermanos? Ningún rasgo de pluma, ni una letra, ni una sílaba, ni una palabra, ni un nombre, ni un personaje del Evangelio deja de tener sentido divino. Se ha escogido a una desposada para que sea ya representada la Iglesia, esposa de Cristo, según lo dice el profeta Oseas: «Yo te desposaré conmigo para siempre; te desposaré conmigo en justicia y en derecho, en amor y en compasión, te desposaré conmigo en fidelidad» (2,21-22). Por eso dice Juan: «El que tiene a la novia es el novio» (Jn 3,29). Y san Pablo: «Quise desposaros con un solo marido, presentándoos a Cristo como una virgen fiel» (2C 11,2). ¡Oh verdadera esposa, la Iglesia, que por el nacimiento virginal [del bautismo] engendra nuevos hijos en Cristo! 


sábado 18 Diciembre 2010

San Modesto

Este santo es especialmente reconocido por la Iglesia Católica ya que restauró los templos de los Santos Lugares en Jerusalén, después del terrible destrozo que hicieron allí los persas.

En el año 600 el rey persa Cosroes, pagano y enemigo de la religión católica invadió Tierra Santa en Palestina, y ayudado por los judíos y samaritanos fue destruyendo y quemando sistemáticamente todo lo católico: templos, casas religiosas, altares, etc. Mandó matar a millares de cristianos en Jerusalén, a muchos otros los vendió como esclavos y, a otros, los desterró sin piedad.

Uno de ellos fue el Arzobispo de Jerusalén, San Zacarías, y fue San Modesto, superior de uno de los conventos de Tierra Santa al que Dios llamaría para reconstruir los templos. Heráclito, el nuevo gobernante, logró alejar a los persas de la ciudad, situación que el santo aprovechó para comenzar el proyecto de reconstrucción, para lo que contó con la ayuda de sus monjes a recoger.

Lo primero que reconstruyó fue el templo del Santo Sepulcro, y luego el de Getsemaní o el Huerto de los Olivos y la Casa de la Última Cena, o Cenáculo.

El Arzobispo Zacarías había muerto en el destierro, y el emperador Heráclito nombró como sucesor de éste a San Modesto. Lo nombró Patriarca Arzobispo de Jerusalén, siendo una elección muy oportuna, porque entonces sí tuvo facilidad para dedicarse a reconstruir los centenares de templos y demás lugares santos destruidos por los bárbaros. Modesto continuó incansable su labor de reconstruir templos, conseguir contribuciones e inspeccionar los trabajos en los diversos sitios.

Murió el 18 de diciembre mientras llevaba un valioso cargamento de ayuda para la restauración de los santos lugares, fue envenenado por unos perversos para poder robarle los tesoros que llevaba.


Señor Dios todopoderoso, que de entre tus fieles elegiste a San Modesto para que manifestara à sus hermanos el camino que conduce a ti, concédenos que su ejemplo nos ayude a seguir a Jesucristo, nuestro maestro, para que logremos así alcanzar un día, junto con nuestros hermanos, la gloria de tu reino eterno. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo.

"Mary the mother of Jesus was betrothed to Joseph"

DAILY GOSPEL: 18/12/2010
«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68

18 December

Book of Jeremiah 23:5-8.
Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; As king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land.
In his days Judah shall be saved, Israel shall dwell in security. This is the name they give him: "The LORD our justice."
Therefore, the days will come, says the LORD, when they shall no longer say, "As the LORD lives, who brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt";
but rather, "As the LORD lives, who brought the descendants of the house of Israel up from the land of the north"--and from all the lands to which I banished them; they shall again live on their own land.

Psalms 72:1.12-13.18-19.
Of Solomon.
For he rescues the poor when they cry out, the oppressed who have no one to help.
He shows pity to the needy and the poor and saves the lives of the poor.
Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does wonderful deeds.
Blessed be his glorious name forever; may all the earth be filled with the LORD'S glory. Amen and amen.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 1:18-25.
Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the holy Spirit.
Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.
Such was his intention when, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.
She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means "God is with us."
When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.
He had no relations with her until she bore a son, and he named him Jesus.
Mt 1,18-25
Commentary of the day 
Saint Peter Chrysologus (c.406-450), Bishop of Ravenna, Doctor of the Church
Sermon 146, on Mt 1,18 ; PL 52, 591
"Mary the mother of Jesus was betrothed to Joseph"
«His mother, Mary, was betrothed.» It should have been enough to say: Mary was betrothed. What can a betrothed mother mean? If she is a mother then she isn't betrothed; if she is betrothed then she isn't yet a mother! «His mother, Mary, was betrothed»: betrothed by virginity, mother by fecundity. This was a mother without experience of a man but who yet experienced motherhood. How could she not be a mother before she had conceived who, after giving birth, remains both virgin and mother? When was she not a mother, she who is about to conceive him who set in motion the time that gives things their beginning?...

Why was the mystery of heavenly innocence given to a betrothed girl and not to a virgin who was still free? Why did a fiancé's jealousy put his betrothed in peril? Why should such great virtue appear to be sin or salvation to be eternal danger?... What mystery exercises us in all this, my brethren? There is not a stroke, a letter, a syllable, a word, a name, a person in all the Gospel that is empty of divine significance. A betrothed girl was chosen that the Church, Christ's betrothed, might also be signified according to the word of the prophet Hosea: «I will betroth you to me in right and justice, in love and mercy; I will betroth you in fidelity» (2,21-22). That is why John said: «The one who has the bride is the Bridegroom» (Jn 3,29). And Saint Paul: «I betrothed you to one Spouse to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ» (2Cor 11,2). O Church, true spouse, who through the virginal birth [of baptism] conceives a new childhood from Christ!

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Bl. Giulia Nemesia Valle (1847-1916)

Bl. Giulia Nemesia Valle
         Giulia is the name chosen by her parents Anselmo Valle and Cristina Dalbar. She was born in Aosta on the 26th June 1847 and was baptised on the same day in the ancient collegiate church of Saint Orso.
        She spends the first years of her life within a happy family who rejoices at the birth of another child - Vincent - and where the parents' work who run a milliner's shop and a solid commercial activity respectively assures a certain welfare. But the mother dies when Giulia is still four. The two orphans are thus entrusted first to the care of the paternal relatives in Aosta and later to the maternal ones in Donnas. Here they find a calm environment The school, catechism and the preparation for the sacraments take place at home under the guide of a priest who happens to be a family friend.
        When Giulia is eleven, she is sent to France in Besançon, in a boarding school run by the Sisters of Charity where she could continue her schooling. Her separation from the family costs her a new suffering, a new experience of solitude directing her towards a deep friendship with "the Lord who keeps her mother with Him".
        In Besançon she learns French thoroughly, enriches her culture and becomes skilful in housework. Her delicate goodness matures and it renders her loveable and attentive towards the others.
        Five years later, Giulia returns to her valley, but her house at Donnas is no longer there. Her father got married again and moved to Pont Saint Martin. Here the familiar situation is strained and living together is not so easy. Her brother Vincent cannot stand her: he goes away alone without receiving any more news from him....Giulia remains, and out of her solitude crops up the stimulus to seek what her family couldn't provide for her, to look after those who experiment her same sorrowful event and find out ways and means that express friendship, understanding, kindness and goodness for everyone.
        In that period, the sisters of Charity came to settle at Pont Saint Martin. In them, Giulia rediscovers her teachers of Besançon, the daughters of Saint Jeanne-Antide Thouret who give her help and encouragement. She observes the life-style that they offer to God and to the others and chooses to become one of them. When her fathers presents her the suggestion of a prosperous marriage, Giulia doesn't hesitate: she has promised her life totally to God : she only desires to become a Sister of Charity.
        On the 8th September 1866 her father accompanies her to the Monastery of Santa Margherita in Vercelli where the Sisters of Charity run a noviciate.
        A new, peaceful and joyful life starts for her in spite of the suffering separation. It's now a matter of building a deeper relationship with God, of knowing herself and the mission of the community in order to accomplish God's will. Giulia starts joyfully her new journey. Every day she discovers what she must lose or acquire: "Jesus strip me of myself, let me be wrapped in you. Jesus I live for you, and I die for you..." is the prayer that already accompanies and will continue to accompany her during her lifetime.
        At the end of the noviciate, together with the new habit she receives a new mane: Sr. Nemesia. It's the name of one of the earliest martyrs of the church. She is happy with the name and makes out of it a life's program : to witness at all costs, totally and for ever her love for Jesus.
        She is sent to Tortona, in St. Vincent's Institute where she finds several activities: an elementary school, cultural courses, a boarding school and an orphanage. She teaches both in the elementary school and French in the higher classes. That's the favourable ground where she can sow kindness. Sr. Nemesia is present where humble work is to be done, where there is pain to be relieved, where apprehension hinders good relationships, where fatigue, pain and poverty put limits to life.
        A voice immediately spreads within the institute and in the city: "Oh, the heart of Sr. Nemesia!"
        Everyone is convinced to have a particular place in this heart that knew no boundaries: Sisters, orphans, pupils, families, poor, the clergy of the nearby seminary, young soldiers of the numerous barracks of Tortona turn to her and seek her as if she were the only Sister present in the house.
        When she is nominated superior of the community at the age of forty, Sr. Nemesia feels perplexed, but she remembers that : to be a superior means "to serve", and therefore she can give herself without any limits. Thus she humbly faces the ascent. The traces the main contents of her programme:
        "Keep a quick pace, without looking behind and concentrate on the one goal : God Alone ! To Him the glory, to the others joy, for me to pay the price, never make others suffer. I shall be very strict with myself and full of charity towards the others : love gratuitously offered is the only thing that remains."
        Her charity has no limits. In Tortona she is called "our angel".
        In the morning of the 10th of May 1903, , the orphans and the boarders find a message addressed to them from Sr. Nemesia: "I am leaving happily, I entrust to our Lady... I shall follow you in every moment of the day". She left alone at 4 o'clock in the morning, after 36 years... In Borgaro, a small country in the vicinity of Turin, there is a small group of young girls waiting to be accompanied along a new path, towards the total self-gift to God and to serve him later in the poor...They are the novices of the new province of the Sisters of Charity... The method of her formation remains always the same : that of kindness, understanding that educates to renouncement out of love, patience that knows how to wait and how to find the correct way that is convenient to everyone.
        Her novices recall : "She knew each one of us, she understood our needs, she treated us according to our characters and she asked
        The character of the Provincial Superior which "was perfectly opposite to hers", disagreed with her method. She was in favour of a rigid, strong and immediate method. Such a difference in their points of view caused relevant contrasts which found their expression in reproaches and humiliations. Sister Nemesia accepted everything in silence, smiling as she went ahead, without hurrying and without neglecting her responsibilities: "From one station to the other, let us continue our way in the desert...and if the desert is deaf, your Creator is always listening..."
        Sr. Nemesia's path nears the end. Already thirteen years have passed since her arrival in Borgaro. About five hundred novices have learnt from her how to walk on the paths traced by God. She has given everything : now the Lord asks her to "hand over" to others even "her noviciate".
        The prayer that has become hers since the beginning: "Jesus strip me of myself, let me be wrapped in You" has accompanied her throughout her life. Now she can say "I don't exist any more". She has given up everything. It's the perfect offering of an existence fully offered to Love.
        Sr. Nemesia dies on the 18th December 1916.