sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

«On what authority are you doing these things?»

DAILY GOSPEL: 29/05/2010
«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68

Saturday of the Ninth week in Ordinary Time

Letter of Jude 1:17.20-25.
But you, beloved, remember the words spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the holy Spirit.
Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.
On those who waver, have mercy;
save others by snatching them out of the fire; on others have mercy with fear, abhorring even the outer garment stained by the flesh.
To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished and exultant, in the presence of his glory,
to the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, power, and authority from ages past, now, and for ages to come. Amen.

Psalms 63:2.3-4.5-6.
O God, you are my God-- for you I long! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, Like a land parched, lifeless, and without water.
So I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory.
For your love is better than life; my lips offer you worship!
I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands, calling on your name.
My soul shall savor the rich banquet of praise, with joyous lips my mouth shall honor you!

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 11:27-33.
They returned once more to Jerusalem. As he was walking in the temple area, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders approached him
and said to him, "By what authority are you doing these things? Or who gave you this authority to do them?"
Jesus said to them, "I shall ask you one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
Was John's baptism of heavenly or of human origin? Answer me."
They discussed this among themselves and said, "If we say, 'Of heavenly origin,' he will say, '(Then) why did you not believe him?'
But shall we say, 'Of human origin'?"--they feared the crowd, for they all thought John really was a prophet.
So they said to Jesus in reply, "We do not know." Then Jesus said to them, "Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things."
Mc 11,27-33
Commentary of the day 
Saint Hilary (c.315-367), Bishop of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church
De Trinitate, VII, 26-27
«On what authority are you doing these things?»
      He really does belong to the Father, this Son who is like him. He comes from him, this Son who can be compared to him, for he is like him. He is his equal, this Son who accomplishes the same works as he (Jn 5:36)... Yes, the Son accomplishes the Fathers' works; and he asks us to believe that he is the Son of God. In so doing, he is not assuming a title to which he has no right; he is not basing his claim on his own works. No! He bears witness to the fact that these are not his own works, but those of his Father. And he thus testifies that the brilliance of his actions comes to him from his divine birth. But how could men have been able to recognize in him the Son of God, in the mystery of the body hehad assumed, in this man born of Mary? The Lord accomplished all those works so that faith in him could penetrate their hearts. «If I perform the works of my Father, even though you put no faith in me, put faith in these works.» (Jn 10:38)

      If the humble condition of his body seems to be an obstacle to believing in his word, he asks us to believe at least in his works. For why should the mystery of his human birth prevent us from perceiving his divine birth? ... «If you do not want to believe in me, believe in my works so as to know and to acknowledge that the Father is in me and I in the Father.»...

      Such is the nature which he has by birth; such is the mystery of a faith which will ensure salvation for us: not to divide those who are one, not to deprive the Son of his nature, and to proclaim the truth of the Living God born of the Living God... «Just as the Father who has life sent me, so I have life because of the Father.» (Jn 6:57) «Just as the Father possesses life in himself, so has he granted it to the Son to have life in himself.» (Jn 5:26)

Saturday, 29 May 2010

St. Mother Orsola (Giulia) Ledóchowska (1865 - 1939)

M. Orsola (Giulia) Ledóchowska
        "If only I knew how to love, to burn and consume oneself in love" - so the 24 year old Giulia Ledóchowska wrote before taking religious vows, novice in the Ursuline convent of Krakow. On the day of the religious profession she took the name 'Maria Ursula of Jesus', and the words stated above became the guide lines of her entire life. In her mothers' family (of Swiss nationality and of the dynasty of the Salis), as well as in her fathers' (an old Polish family) there were many politicians, military men, ecclesiastics and consecrated people, who were involved in the history of Europe and of the Church. She was raised in a family of numerous brothers and sisters where affectionate and disciplined love was dominant. The first three children, including M. Ursula, chose the consecrated life: Maria Teresa (beatified in 1975) founded the future 'Society of S. Peter Claver' and the younger brother Vladimiro became the general Preposito of the Jesuits.
        M. Ursula lived in the convent at Krakow for 21 years. Her love for the Lord, her educational talent and sensibility towards the needs of youngsters in the changing social, political and moral conditions of those times put her at the centre of attention. When women earned the right to study in Universities, she succeeded in organising the first boarding-house in Poland for female students where they not only found a safe place to live and study, but also received a solid religious preparation. This passion, together with the blessing of Pope Pio X, gave her the strength to move into the heart of Russia which was hostile towards the Church. When, in civilian dress, she left with another Sister for Petersburg (where religious life was prohibited) she did not know that she was headed towards an unknown destination and that the Holy Spirit would lead her upon roads she had not foreseen. 
        In Petersburg the Mother with the steadily growing community of nuns (soon established as an autonomous structure of the Ursulines) lived secretly, and even though under constant surveillance by the secret police, they brought forward an intense educational and religious project which was also directed towards the encouragement of relationships between Polish and Russians.
        When war broke out starts in 1914, M. Ursula had to leave Russia. She headed for Stockholm and during her Scandinavian travels (Sweden, Denmark, Norway) her activity concentrated not only on education, but also on the life of the local Church, on giving aid to the war victims and on ecumenical work. The house where she lived with her nuns became a point of reference for people of different political and religious orientation. Her strong love for her country was the same as her tolerance towards 'diversity' and towards others. Once asked to speak of her political orientation, she promptly answered 'My policy is love'.
        In 1920 M. Ursula, her sisters and a vast number of orphan children of immigrants returned to Poland. The Apostolic Headquarters transforms its autonomous convent of the 'Ursulines of the Sacred Agonising Heart of Jesus' The spirituality of the congregation is concentrated on the contemplation of the salvific love of Christ and participation in His mission by means of educational projects and service to others, particularly to the suffering, the lonely and the abandoned who were searching for the meaning of life. M. Ursula educated her sisters to love God above everything else and to find God in every human being and in all Creation. She gave a particularly credible testimony to the personal bond with Christ and to being an efficient instrument of both Evangelical and educational influence by means of her smile and serenity of soul. Her humility and capacity to live the ordinary everyday routine as a privileged road towards holiness made her a clear example of this life style. 
        The congregation developed quickly. The communities of the Ursuline nuns in Poland and on the eastern frontiers of the country which were poor, multinational and multi-confessional were established. In 1928 the Generalate was established in Rome along with a boarding-house for girls who were economically less well-off, in order to give them the possibility to come into contact with the spiritual and religious richness of the heart of the Church and of European civilisation. The Sisters began to work in the poor suburbs of Rome. In 1930 the nuns accompanied girls in search of work and established themselves in France. Wherever possible M.Ursula founded educational and instructional work centres. She sent the nuns to Catechise and to work in the poor parts of town. She wrote books and articles for children and youngsters.
        She initiated and sustained ecclesiastical organisations for children (Eucharistic Movement), for youngsters and for women. She actively participated in the life of the Church and State thus receiving great acknowledgement and decorations from both the State and the Church. When her laborious and not easy life came to an end in Rome on May 29, 1939, people said of her: "She died a saint".
        John Paul II beatified M. Ursula on June 20, 1983 in Poznan and canonized her on May 18, 2003 at Rome.

«¿Con qué autoridad haces esto?»

¿ Señor, a quién iremos?. Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna. Jn 6, 68

Sábado de la VIII Semana del Tiempo Ordinario

Epístola de San Judas 1,17.20-25.
En cuanto a ustedes, queridos míos, acuérdense de lo que predijeron los Apóstoles de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Pero ustedes, queridos míos, edifíquense a sí mismos sobre el fundamento de su fe santísima, orando en el Espíritu Santo.
Manténganse en el amor de Dios, esperando la misericordia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para la Vida eterna.
Traten de convencer a los que tienen dudas,
y sálvenlos librándolos del fuego. En cuanto a los demás, tengan piedad de ellos, pero con cuidado, aborreciendo hasta la túnica contaminada por su cuerpo.
A aquel que puede preservarlos de toda caída y hacerlos comparecer sin mancha y con alegría en la presencia de su gloria,
al único Dios que es nuestro Salvador, por medio de Jesucristo nuestro Señor, sea la gloria, el honor, la fuerza y el poder, desde antes de todos los tiempos, ahora y para siempre. Amén.

Salmo 63,2.3-4.5-6.
Señor, tú eres mi Dios, yo te busco ardientemente; mi alma tiene sed de ti, por ti suspira mi carne como tierra sedienta, reseca y sin agua.
Sí, yo te contemplé en el Santuario para ver tu poder y tu gloria.
Porque tu amor vale más que la vida, mis labios te alabarán.
Así te bendeciré mientras viva y alzaré mis manos en tu Nombre.
Mi alma quedará saciada como con un manjar delicioso, y mi boca te alabará con júbilo en los labios.

Evangelio según San Marcos 11,27-33.
Y llegaron de nuevo a Jerusalén. Mientras Jesús caminaba por el Templo, los sumos sacerdotes, los escribas y los ancianos se acercaron a él
y le dijeron: "¿Con qué autoridad haces estas cosas? ¿O quién te dio autoridad para hacerlo?".
Jesús les respondió: "Yo también quiero hacerles una sola pregunta. Si me responden, les diré con qué autoridad hago estas cosas.
Díganme: el bautismo de Juan, ¿venía del cielo o de los hombres?".
Ellos se hacían este razonamiento: "Si contestamos: 'Del cielo', él nos dirá: '¿Por qué no creyeron en él?'.
¿Diremos entonces: "De los hombres'?". Pero como temían al pueblo, porque todos consideraban que Juan había sido realmente un profeta,
respondieron a Jesús: "No sabemos". Y él les respondió: "Yo tampoco les diré con qué autoridad hago estas cosas". 
Mc 11,27-33
Leer el comentario del Evangelio por 
San Hilario (hacia 315-367), obispo de Poitiers y doctor de la Iglesia
Sobre la Trinidad, VII, 26-27

«¿Con qué autoridad haces esto?»
     Es del Padre este Hijo que se le parece. Viene de él, este Hijo que se le puede comparar, porque le es semejante. Es su igual este Hijo que hace las mismas obras que él (Jn 5,36)... Sí, el Hijo hace las mismas obras del Padre; por eso nos pide creer que él es el Hijo de Dios. No se otorga un título que no le es debido; no es sobre sus propias obras que apoya su reivindicación. ¡No! Él da testimonio que no es sobre sus propias obras, sino sobre las de su Padre. Con ello da testimonio de que el esplendor de sus acciones le viene de su nacimiento divino. Pues ¿cómo los hombres hubieran podido reconocer en él al Hijo de Dios, en el misterio de este cuerpo que había asumido, en este hombre nacido de María? Es, precisamente, para que penetrara en su corazón la fe en él, que el Señor hacía todas sus obras: «Si hago las obras de mi Padre, aunque no me creáis a mi, creed a las obras» (Jn 10,38).

     Si la condición humilde de su cuerpo parece ser un obstáculo para creer en su palabra, nos pide de creer, al menos, por sus obras. En efecto ¿por qué el misterio de su nacimiento humano nos iba a ser un obstáculo para percibir su nacimiento divino?... «Aunque no me creáis a mí, creed a las obras, para que comprendáis y sepáis que el Padre está en mí y yo en el Padre»...

     Esta es la naturaleza que posee por su nacimiento; este es el misterio de una fe que nos asegura la salvación: no dividir a los que son una unidad, no privar al Hijo de su naturaleza, y proclamar la verdad del Dios Viviente nacido del Dios Viviente... «Igual que el Padre que me ha enviado, vive, igualmente yo vivo por el Padre» (Jn 6,57). «Igual que el Padre tiene la vida en él, igualmente ha dado al Hijo el poder de tener la vida en sí mismo» (Jn 5,26).

sábado 29 Mayo 2010

San Felix

Santos Voto y Félix 
Eremitas (s. VIII)   Todo Aragón, con Zaragoza, está dominado por los sarracenos que hace más de medio siglo llegaron a España. Los discípulos de Jesucristo, tienen que pagar tributos especiales al moro si quieren seguir haciendo las prácticas cristianas. Así, disgustados y humillados como muchos otros, viven los hermanos Voto y Félix que son gente perteneciente a la nobleza, piadosos y buenos con los pobres.   Voto es amante de la caza. Ha herido a un ciervo en el monte, y recorre la maleza para atraparlo. Alertado por los ladridos, ve al animal que va huyendo; espolea su caballo. El ciervo se despeña por un precipicio y, cuando Voto quiere darse cuenta, se ha desbocado el caballo.    Se encomienda a san Juan Bautista y el caballo se inmoviliza, en el  borde de la sima. (Aún hoy los vecinos muestran la peña  y las huellas que dejaron allí los hierros del animal)   Inspecciona Voto el lugar, encontrando entre las matas y arbustos una ermita dedicada a san Juan Bautista. En su interior tiene un hombre muerto y una escritura donde se lee: «Yo, Juan, eremita en este sitio, habiendo despreciado al mundo, fundé como pude esta ermita en honor de san Juan Bautista, y aquí descanso en paz. Amén.»   No sabe qué hacer ¡son tantas las cosas sucedidas en tan poco tiempo!... decide dar sepultura al muerto y regresa a su casa con el alma encogida y ansiando poner al corriente de los acontecimientos a su hermano Félix.   Deducen que el muerto bien pudiera ser Juan, el de Atarés, de quien nadie daba razón desde hacía años; si acertaran en su conjetura, todo se explica por el retiro a una vida solitaria y santa. Ahora todo se les junta en la cabeza: la presencia de los moros y las dificultades para ser hombres íntegros de fe.   Deciden repartir sus bienes entre los pobres y se marchan al monte Panno; construyen dos ermitas junto a la que ya había y comienzan un retiro en paz. Allí contemplan con piedad la Pasión de Cristo, meditan las verdades eternas;  alimento de raíces, hierbas y frutos que da el campo, en alguna trampa caen animales y, sorbetean algunos huevos de nidadas salvajes.   Descubierta su presencia, van agregándose gentes que construyen otras cabañas donde vivir en la proximidad y abrigo de los eremitas.     Voto muere primero, el día 29 de mayo, algo después Félix. Su fiesta se celebra el mismo día por la unión mantenida en el sitio, tiempo y modo de santidad. Esa ermita primera, fue el origen de San Juan de la Peña, cuna del resurgimiento aragonés, en donde se veneran los restos de los dos santos, con los del eremita Atarés.


Himno  Vosotros sois luz del mundo Y, ardiente sal de la tierra, Ciudad esbelta en el monte, Fermento en la masa nueva.   Vosotros sois los sarmientos, Y yo la Vid verdadera; Si el Padre poda las ramas, Más fruto llevan las cepas.   Vosotros sois la abundancia Del reino que ya está cerca, Los doce mil señalados Que no caerán en la siega.   Dichosos, porque sois limpios Y ricos en la pobreza, Y es vuestro el reino que sólo Se gana con la violencia.  Amén    Dios todopoderoso y eterno, que al premiar a los santos nos ofreces una prueba de tu gran amor hacia los hombres, te pedimos que la intercesión y el ejemplo de los santos nos sirva siempre de ayuda para seguir fielmente a Jesucristo, tu Hijo. Que vive y reina contigo.